• Wheelchair / Pushchair Accessible
  • Carer Rates
  • Suitable for Families
  • Car Parking Charges Apply
  • Pre-book essential

At Hollywood Bowl Derby you’ll find fantastic deals on food and drink, and the perfect destination for creating fun-filled memories.

There is a concession rate of around 50% for disabled guests and their carers, as well as seniors. 
This rate is available every weekday before 6pm, for 48 weeks out of 52, including the summer and Easter holidays.

Hollywood Bowl Group offers disabled access across all of its bowls which includes ramps onto the lanes (where required), ball ramps and lane bumpers for use with or without wheelchairs, lightweight balls and disabled toilet facilities.

For further information or to discuss your individual requirements please call your local centre direct.

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Opening Hours

  • Monday 11am - 11pm
  • Tuesday 11am - 11pm
  • Wednesday 11am - 11pm
  • Thursday 11am - 11pm
  • Friday 11am - 12 midnight
  • Saturday 10am - 12 midnight
  • Sunday 11am - 11pm

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